Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Doo Doo Boy!

This, my friends, is the Doo Doo Boy. I purchased it a couple weeks ago and it is my new best friend. Seriously I think it's the best island car ever. It's name comes from a sticker that came with the car and I refuse to take it off because it's just so perfect. Thought you'd be entertained by it. enjoy!


Rachel Gillie said...

Love the car .. not so fond of the name. It looks like the perfect car to cruise around in!!!

Malia said...

That is quite the step up from the van of old! Brad and I enjoyed talking to you, and have some Hawaiian food for us!

Case said...

Christopher! It's case welcome to the blog world my friend. I found you on Malia's blog. I like the new ride as long as it fits the board and gets you from A to B I'm sure your well chuffed about it, but it's pretty cool on top of that. You can find my blog at Enjoy today's surf.

Malia said...

Christopher, I need a Hawaii fix...more post por favor.

Case said...

yeah Chris time to can't just dangle Hawaii in front of us and then leave us...time for a post!

jezebel said...

Remember when it got saran wrapped and mayo'd? I DO!